Our ASPCart supports multiple credit card processing services which include support for the following common service providers:
- www.highriskmerchantaccountprovider.com
- www.psbill.com
- www.clarityusa.com
- www.merchantaccounts.com
- www.merchantaccounts.cc
contacting a technical support engineer, we do ask that you
consult the Knowledge
Base and Documentation
sections of our web site. Pay-per-incident telephone support
is also available and bears a charge of $1.99 per minute.
For telephone support, you may dial (513) 381-5144 from any
touchtone phone.
you can Dream it. We can Code it.SM
As you
may already be aware, most of ASPCart's flexibility comes
from the ASP (Active Server Pages) scripting language with
which it was built. Now, even more flexibility is available
with our expanded customization services.
This service
is for you if you can answer "yes" to the following questions:
- Is
there something special you need the cart to do that it
currently does not?
- Do
you need the cart to look or function a certain way?
Now you
can - and probably for less time and money than you may have
thought. Let our custom programming division give you a free
job estimate.
us Tailor ASPCart to your Exacting Specifications
Tel. (513)
381-5144 ext. 312 (9-5 M-F EST)